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EACVI Awards and Honours

The EACVI is proud to support and honour exceptional scientists in recognition of their outstanding achievements.

EACVI Excellence in Education Awards

This award aims to recognise the excellence and dedication of educators in Cardiovascular Imaging.

EACVI Excellence in Education Awards winners >

EACVI Honorary members

Every year the EACVI recognises significant contributions to the field of Cardiovascular Imaging.

EACVI Honorary members >

EACVI Edler Lectures

A prestigious lecture given every year during the EACVI congress.

EACVI Edler Lectures >

EACVI Grants

Discover the EACVI Grants that help young candidates under 40 years old to expand their skills or obtain research experience in a high standard institution in an ESC Member country other than their own.

EACVI Training Grants >
EACVI Research Grants >

EACVI Young Investigators Awards

Honoring Young Investigators for their original scientific work.

Coming soon