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EACVI Edler Lectures

The Edler lecture, given every year during the inaugural session at the EACVI congress, is named after Inge Edler, a Swedish cardiologist widely recognised as "the Father of Echocardiography". The presenter receives a diploma. This award exists since 1999. 

Find below the list of all Edler lectures and presenters.

Year Edler Lecture topic Presenter Country
2020 FFRCT and Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA): Integration in clinical use? Jeroen Bax Netherlands (The)
2019 Imaging valve disease: the whole is better than the sum of its parts Patrizio Lancellotti Belgium
2018 The Renaissance of Stress Echocardiography Eugenio Picano Italy
2017 Recognizing the elephant in the room. Quality control in imaging. Thomas H. Marwick  Australia
2016 A 21st century manifesto for functional imaging. Alan Fraser  United Kingdom
2015 The world is 3D, echo is 3D Jose Luis Zamorano Gomez  Spain
2014 From image to understanding to impact: valves, walls,vessels and beyond Gerald Maurer  Austria
2013 Dynamic imaging Luc Piérard  Belgium
2012 Imaging myocardial reperfusion in the area of cardioprotection Geneviève Anne Derumeaux France
2011 20 years of non-invasive assessment of coronary flow reserve: from a methodological challenge to clinical applications. Sabino Iliceto  Italy
2010 From hemodynamics to mechanics Lars-Ake Brodin Sweden
2009 The fascinating story of understanding aortic diseases by  imaging techniques. Artur Evangelista Masip Spain
2008 Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE), 30 years: Opening a new window to the heart. Raimund Erbel  Germany
2007 Echo Odyssey: A journey into the secrets of the heart Fausto Jose Pinto Portugal
2006 Quantification of myocardial function - strain is better Otto Armin Smiseth  Norway
2005 Cardiac Imaging - Echocardiography competing with other imaging modalities. Werner G Daniel Germany
2004 Imaging ischaemia George R. Sutherland  United Kingdom
2003 1953 - 2003: Fifty years of Echocardiography - A window on our history. Miguel Angel Garcia Fernandez Spain
2002 How cardiac ultrasound has improved our understanding and management of ischemic heart disease. C. Visser  Netherlands (The)
2001 Colour Doppler: From visual analysis to quantitative studies Benoit Diebold  France
1999 Regional Myocardial Function – What to measure?  Liv Hatle   Belgium