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Connect at ESC Congress 2024 at the


Join us for a London Pub experience with a selection of British bites.

Saturday, 31 August from 18:00 to 20:00 at The Fox ExCeL

Wherever you have travelled from, join us at 'The London Social' where every handshake has a story, every smile opens a door, and every moment is a memory in the making.


Networking with a twist of London flair

Step into 'The London Social' at ESC Congress 2024, where the spirit of London's bustling streets and the legendary British charm set the stage for an unforgettable networking experience

Take the opportunity to catch up with friends old and new over refreshments and entertainment!

Reconnect & Refresh

Meet up with peers and indulge in an array of handpicked snacks that are sure to spark both conversation and delight.

Relax & Reflect

Take a breather from the scientific sessions and enjoy the lively atmosphere of this unique event.

Collaborate & Connect

Take part in important conversations that could lead to your next collaborative venture.



You have to be registered to the congress to take a ticket for this networking event.

We are limited in number so it’s first come first serve.

We recommend that you register in advance (add on to your ESC Congress registration).


Book your ticket - €35 per person

Industry partners do not support this event and are not eligible to attend
