Dear colleagues,
We have started a new year that brings us exciting plans for the future. Therefore, I wish you all the best for the beginning of this new cycle on behalf of the DAP WG Nucleus members and, at the same time, remind you that your participation in the actions planned within the WG is key to their success.
In this regard, we would appreciate if you could encourage your colleagues to join the ESC DAP WG, and communicate the WG Nucleus any specific activities/actions you might deem relevant for the progress of our scientific community. We also want to announce you that, in compliance with ESC Internal Governance regulations, the procedure to choose a new Chair-Elect for the ESC DAP WG will start soon. Finally, we want to let you know that fast progress is being made in the organization of the next DAP WG meeting to be held at the Max Planck Institute in Bad-Nauheim (Germany) in October. Again, we hope you can participate in this important event and, if you are not a senior WG member, we strongly suggest you to join our Young Community, as involving young scientists in ESC DAP WG activities should remain a fundamental goal for all of us.
Best wishes,
J.M. Pérez-Pomares