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FOCUS on Peripheral Arterial and Aortic Diseases


Peripheral arterial and aortic diseases are highly prevalent and significantly increase cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. The impact and prevalence of these diseases are constantly increasing. However, peripheral arterial and aortic diseases are generally underdiagnosed and undertreated. Efficient preventive and therapeutic measures are needed to improve outcomes. The new 2024 ESC Guidelines for the management of peripheral arterial and aortic diseases merge the approach advocated by the previous peripheral arterial disease and aortic diseases guidelines, and provide unified approaches for prevention and treatment.

This month’s FOCUS provides carefully selected resources on best practice around peripheral arterial and aortic diseases. These resources include ESC Congress presentations, webinars, journal articles, and textbook chapters.

The content below was selected by Ronen Beeri, Lucia Mazzolai and José Fernando Rodriguez Palomares to help you delve into the various aspects of peripheral arterial and aortic diseases. 




Navigating diagnosis and management in peripheral artery disease with the latest guidelines
11 September 2024
With Lucia Mazzolai, Marianne Brodmann and Stefano Lanzi

What is new in the diagnosis and management of aortic diseases
25 September 2024
With Alessandro Della Corte, Alex Pitcher and Gisela Teixido Tura


Dig deeper

Exclusive for members

 Preoperative risk assessment of patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. ESC 2022 Clinical Practice Guidelines - Webinar Series

 Personalised CVD prevention: the evidence behind the current guidelines. ESC 2021 Clinical Practice Guidelines - Webinar Series

 Early recognition of acute aortic syndromes: diagnostic pitfalls and traps.

 'Watchful waiting' or 'waiting for disaster': treatment dilemmas in acute aortic dissection

 Acute aortic syndromes: critical pathways from the emergency room to the operating room

 The aorta and sudden cardiac death: from tip to toe – discussion

 A practical approach to the patient with claudication: case presentation

 A practical approach to the patient with claudication: how I would treat

 A practical approach to the patient with claudication: how I did treat

 A practical approach to the patient with claudication – discussion

 Burden of thoracic aortic disease and screening strategies

 Case 1: a patient with coronary and peripheral artery disease - diagnostic dilemmas

 Case 2: a patient with critical limb ischemia - saving limbs

 Meet the Experts: peripheral artery disease from diagnosis to interventions - discussion

 Meet the Experts: peripheral artery disease from diagnosis to interventions - Meet the Faculty Q&A

 Acute aortic dissection: a fantastic voyage through imaging - discussion

 Ascending aortic length as a new dimension for indicating treatment

 Fine-tuning aortic risk stratification: do not forget connective tissue disorder

 Proximal thoracic aortopathy: what is known, what is not, what is new - discussion

 Peripheral percutaneous interventions - IC Core Curriculum 3

 Acute arterial events across all vascular territories in the FOURIER trial

 Challenging aortic root anatomies in CT: a case-based presentation

 Burden of genetic aortic diseases and screening strategies

 Marfan's syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome and other aortopathies: how to prevent sudden death

 Genetic aortic diseases: a deep dive on clinical presentation and management – discussion

 Genetic aortic diseases: a deep dive on clinical presentation and management - Chat Moderator

 After peripheral endovascular therapy, DAPT remains the preferred option over dual-pathway antithrombotic therapy: pro

 After peripheral endovascular therapy, DAPT remains the preferred option over dual-pathway antithrombotic therapy: con

 Great Debate: antithrombotic therapeutic dilemmas in PAD – dual antiplatelet or dual-pathway antithrombotic therapy? – discussion

 Genotype-phenotype correlation in Marfan's syndrome with thoracic aortic disease

 Meet the Experts: thoracic aortic diseases – a clinical appraisal for cardiology practice – discussion

 Meet the Experts: thoracic aortic diseases – a clinical appraisal for cardiology practice - Chat Moderator

 Make pathology visible: the latest in advanced aortic imaging

 A look inside the aorta: CT imaging and intraoperative aortoscopy side-by-side

 The final frontier: closure of the primary entry tear

 Surgical therapy of proximal thoracic aortic disease: what you always wanted to know from your surgical partner
