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Late-Breaking science results

EuroEcho-Imaging 2024 Berlin, 11-13 December

Thank you to all submitters

Congratulations to all accepted submissions. This is your chance to inspire the cardiovascular community with your scientific breakthroughs and share your landmark research.

Thank you to all submitters


Results are now available. An email has been sent to each submitter.

Discover our Late-Breaking Science Programme

There will be one oral session dedicated to late-breaking science at EuroEcho-Imaging 2024, where presenters from around the world will share the very latest results of their trials. Be there to hear about the latest developments in cardiovascular imaging.

All presenters will be required to present their research onsite in Berlin.

How to confirm and upload your presentation

Confirmation of your presentation should be done as soon as possible.

STEP 1 - The presenter must sign in to her/his My ESC Account with the email and password used at the time of submission to consult the Late-Breaking Science presentation day, time and format. 

STEP 2 - The presenter must upload for the congress by 05 December 2024.

STEP 3 - The presenter can start preparing her/his presentation by consulting the Presenter Guidelines