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Bangladesh Cardiac Society

Bangladesh Cardiac Society is an affiliated member of the European Society of Cardiology

Bangladesh, BD



Prof. A K M Mohibullah, FESC

Secretary General
Prof. Abdullah Al Shafi Majumder, FESC

Immediate Past-President
Prof. M. Amanullah, FESC

Number of members: 285
Year of foundation: 1984
Year of ESC affiliation: 2008


Bangladesh Cardiac Society perform different programmes  for promotion and guidance of the voluntary campaigns in prevention, control and care of cardiac diseases. It makes co-operation and communication with national and international organisations with common objects: 

  • It participates in national and international conference and seminars on cardiovascular  topics.
  • It arranges post graduate training at home and abroad for doctors, nurses  and technicians in the field of cardiovascular discipline.
  • It organises research activities in cardiovascular problems with a view to find cause, therapy and rehabilitation of cardiac victims. 
  • It organises CME program to inform  updates its member latest development in cardiovascular discipline.



The Bangladesh Heart Journal (in English)  is published bi-annually (January and July) under the management of an Editorial Board. It includes original articles, letters and opinions on controversial matters and editorial on outstanding issues.


Periodical bulletins and pamphlets on cardiovascular topics are published and circulated by the Bangladesh Cardiac Society.