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Section of the EACVI dedicated to Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

Cardiac Magnetic Resonance

The EACVI section on Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance aims at being the representative trans-national scientific organisation for physicians, scientists, and technologists who work in the field of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR).

The purposes of the EACVI CMR section are to stimulate and disseminate the knowledge and the use of CMR through education, quality control, research, and training.

Nucleus 2018-2020


  • Chair: Prof Steffen Petersen (UK)
  • Vice Chair: Prof Bernhard Gerber (Belgium)
  • Past Chair: Dr Chiara Bucciarelli-Ducci (UK)


  • Prof Ana Almeida (Portugal)
  • Prof Jeanette Schulz-Menger (Germany)

Main initiatives