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Rules and Regulations of the ESC Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science

Article 1

The Council for Basic Cardiovascular Sciences is established as a Council of the European Society of Cardiology according to the Statutes and By-laws of the ESC. The internal organization is regulated by Board-approved Rules and Regulations.

The Council is created by the WGs Cellular Biology of the Heart, Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, Myocardial Function, Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases, Coronary Pathophysiology and Microcirculation, Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology, Development Anatomy and Pathology, Thrombosis, Atherosclerosis, Vascular Biology and e-Cardiology. The Council aims to strengthen and enhance the basic cardiovascular sciences at a European level. The Council is a horizontal structure within the ESC, bringing together fundamental researchers from the different fields of cardiovascular medicine. The European section of the International Society for Heart Research, the European Society on Microcirculation, the European Vascular Biology Association, the European Council for Cardiovascular Research participate in the creation of the Council, the European Atherosclerosis Society and the Association for European Cardiovascular Pathology.

The primary goal of the Council for Basic Cardiovascular Sciences is to promote basic cardiovascular research at the European level as an essential part of the mission of the European Society of Cardiology. To this effect it is assembling all researchers to formulate joint statements and advice to the ESC, to organize activities to promote basic science at the European level within the Society and outside the Society, and to participate in a structured way in the activities of the Society, i.e. its annual congress and its European leadership in cardiovascular medicine.

Article 2

The activities of the Council will be directed by a Nucleus. A delegate of the founding WGs is automatically a member of the Nucleus of the Council. Delegates of the European section of the International Society for Heart Research, of the European Society on Microcirculation, of the European Vascular Biology Association, and of the European Council for Cardiovascular Research are co-opted members of the Nucleus of the Council. The Editor of Cardiovascular Research is an ex-officio member of the Nucleus.

Article 3

Tasks of the Council for Basic Cardiovascular Sciences

  • Responsibility for the basic science at the ESC annual congress
    For the annual ESC congress the Council acts as the coordinator of the basic science programme including the Basic Science Track, presenting developments in basic science to the general attendance. The Council will organize a specific session at the annual congress to promote the basic science activities in the form of a Council reception, poster club, or other.
  • The Council can identify major themes in basic cardiovascular research that need to be addressed in a focused meeting. The Council can organize such meetings outside of the annual congress.
  • The Council can support and endorse meetings organized by its member WGs and Societies, in accordance with the governance rules of the ESC.
  • The Council can on request assist the Educational Committee and the Committee for Practice Guidelines, providing a basic research background for clinical issues, in the educational courses and publications.
  • The Council will contribute to the strategies developed by the ESC in particular regarding basic science, and will communicate with the EU Relations Officer regarding the specific needs of basic science that need to be addressed within the EU policies.
  • The Council can establish connections with similarly oriented non-European organizations to further promote basic cardiovascular research, as e.g. the AHA Council for Basic Cardiovascular Sciences.

Article 4

The Council for Basic Cardiovascular Sciences is presided by a Chairman and Vice-chairman elected by the Nucleus. The Chairman is elected for a period of 2 years, non-renewable. The Vice-Chairman automatically becomes the Chairman for the next period of 2 years.
A Secretary and a Treasurer are elected for a period of 2 years, renewable for 2 years.

Article 5

The Secretary is responsible for reporting on the activities to the Board and to the membership, in agreement with the Chairman.

Article 6

The Treasurer is responsible for the financial affairs of the Council, which will be regulated in accordance with the governance rules of the ESC.

Article 7

A call to renew the positions of Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer will be made in April of every even year (starting in April 2012) according to a specific electronic procedure. The successful candidates will take up their positions at the meeting of the Council at the ESC Congress.

Article 8

General membership consists of the members of the founding WGs, and on individual basis. The Council is open to membership for current non-ESC members and particularly welcomes all scientists working in the cardiovascular field. Membership applications will be considered by the Nucleus.

Article 9

The Nucleus will meet at least once more during the April days at the Heart House. At these meetings, if needed, Rules and Regulations can be revised and re-submitted to the Board, e.g. to include representatives of additional member societies in the Nucleus.

Article 10

The Council for Basic Cardiovascular Sciences will communicate its planned activities to the Board each year in its budget request. The Council will submit an annual report on its scientific activities to the Board for approval.